Ganesha Law Review <p style="text-align: justify;">Welcome to the official website of <strong>GANESHA LAW REVIEW</strong>, source of references for Law academicians and practitioners.&nbsp;<strong>GANESHA LAW REVIEW</strong> is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes scientific articles in the field of law. The published articles are the results of original scientific research and review of legal interactions. <strong>GANESHA LAW REVIEW</strong>&nbsp;is published by Faculty of Law and Social Sciences of Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha Singaraja. <strong>GANESHA LAW REVIEW</strong> accepts any manuscripts or articles in the field of law or legal studies from both national and international academicians and researchers.&nbsp;<strong>GANESHA LAW REVIEW</strong> is published two times a year (in May and November).&nbsp;<strong>p-ISSN</strong> : 2656-9744&nbsp;<strong>e-ISSN</strong> : 2684-9038</p> Program Studi Ilmu Hukum, Jurusan Hukum dan Kewarganegaraan, Fakultas Hukum dan Ilmu Sosial, Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha en-US Ganesha Law Review 2656-9744 JURIDICAL REVIEW REGARDING THE CONSTITUTIONALITY OF THE THREE-PERIOD POSITION LIMITS FOR THE PRESIDENT IN THE INDONESIAN LEGAL AND POLITICAL CONTEXT <p><em>Indonesia as an independent country, of course, has a constitution as a foundation and guideline in carrying out its constitutional system and government. The existence of issues related to the presidential tenure being 3 periods makes this research aim (1) to review the presidential tenure arrangements in terms of the perspective of the currently valid constitution (ius constitutumi), and (2) to find out the idea of ​​construction (ius constituendum ) on the term limits of the president and vice president of the Republic of Indonesia. In this study using the type of normative legal research. The results of this study indicate that (1) the constitutionality of setting limits on the term of office of the president and vice president at present (ius constitutum) which has been regulated in Article 7 of the 1945 Constitution, but the formulation in that article still has several deficiencies so that the idea of ​​legal construction is needed, to be a solution to this deficiency. (2) the term limits for the president and vice president must consider, review and examine the urgency of benefit and justice for the nation and state. Changes related to the president's tenure to 3 periods must also pay attention to other provisions as stipulated in Article 37 of the 1945 Constitution.</em></p> David Greacy Geovanie Copyright (c) 2023-11-01 2023-11-01 5 2 1 9 INTERNATIONAL LEGAL PROTECTION STUDY FOR REFUGEES THROUGH THE 1951 REFUGEE CONVENTION AND 1967 PROTOCOL <p><em>The definition of a refugee based on the 1951 Convention includes a person who because of his fear of persecution caused by reasons of ethnicity, race, religion, nationality, membership of certain social groups and also certain political parties outside his country of nationality so that he does not want protection from that country. To provide protection to international refugees, the 1951 Refugee Convention was enacted as a form of legal protection. The refugees then evacuate to seek legal protection in countries that have ratified the Convention. Prior to 1951, issues related to international refugees were still a polemic, especially in terms of legal protection and legal status for these refugees. Therefore, writing this article aims to find out the legal protection for international refugees through the 1951 Convention, find out who is called a refugee, determine the status of international refugees, their position and rights, as well as countries that have ratified and have not ratified. the convention. The method used in writing this scientific article is a library research method through several literatures such as websites, journals and also e-books that are in accordance with the topic of this article. This article shows the findings that international refugees currently have legal status, their position and rights are protected in a refugee country when that country has ratified the 1951 Convention and the 1967 protocol.&nbsp;</em></p> Kadek Diah Karuni Copyright (c) 2023-11-01 2023-11-01 5 2 10 20 PROTECTION OF CHILDREN'S RIGHTS IN THE ASPECT OF INTERNATIONAL LAW <p><em>This article aims to (1). Children and Child Protection in Indonesian Law. (2). How to Protect Children's Rights in Aspects of International Law. The results of the discussion of this article show that (1) In Law no. 23 of 2002 concerning the protection of children, states that children are a mandate and gift from God Almighty, in which the dignity and worth of being a complete human being is inherent in him. Guaranteed rights for children are protected through Law no. 34 of 2014, there are 4 general principles of child protection, namely the principle of non-discrimination, the principle of the best interests of the child, the principle of the right to life and the principle of respect for the opinion of children, the regulation regarding the protection of children's rights in Indonesia is also contained in the 1945 Constitution Article 28B Paragraph ( 2), as well as in Law no. 39 of 1999 concerning Human Rights, and Law no. 23 of 2002 concerning&nbsp; Child Protection. (2)&nbsp;&nbsp; The regulation regarding the protection of children's rights in the aspect of international law is contained in the Convention on the Rights of the Child which was declared unanimously on November 20, 1989 by the United Nations General Assembly (UN Resolution No. 44/25 dated December 5, 1989). -Children's rights are also contained in the ILO Conventions.</em></p> Ni Ketut Suriati Copyright (c) 2023-11-01 2023-11-01 5 2 21 31 VIOLATIONS OF HUMAN RIGHTS AND PROTECTION BY UNICEF ON THE USE OF CHILD SOLDIERS IN CONGO'S ARMED CONFLICT <p><em>This article aims to find out the human rights violations that occurred in child soldiers in the armed conflict of the Congo. Human rights are basic rights that are owned by every human being as a gift from God Almighty, valid for life, and cannot be contested. Recruiting children as soldiers is a violation of human rights. Protection of children's rights is an inseparable part of human rights. emotionally, physically, and psychologically on children are the negative impacts of the presence of child impact soldiers. Unstable government conditions coupled with a low economy add to the burden on society which pushes their children to fall into the circle of militarization. The real form of protection for children who are recruited into child soldiers is the protection provided by UNICEF. UNICEF pays great attention to children's settlement.</em></p> Putu Marta Copyright (c) 2023-11-01 2023-11-01 5 2 32 40 EFFORTS TO HANDLE INTERNATIONAL DISPUTES THROUGH SUBJECTS INTERNATIONAL LAW <p><em>This article aims to (1) find out clearly what is meant by international law, (2) find out how the development of international law, and (3) to know what kinds of subjects of international law in dispute resolution itself. The data collection technique used is by quoting from several book sources as well as from journals and papers that have been read before. The results of the discussion of this journal show that (1) International Law is a positive law. Where the purpose of the law itself is to create and realize justice in international. (2) The development of international law is important because in essence as a law that introduces the concept of an archipelagic state, a means of intervention to a means of suppressing developing countries, which of course in this development for the Indonesian people to strengthen cooperation in the fields of economy, politics, security, and education. (3) There are several ways to resolve disputes under international law, namely, through peaceful settlement of disputes contained in the United Nations Charter, namely Article 2 paragraph (3) of The Charter of the United Nations (UN Charter). And it can also be done in terms of kinship or peace, namely negotiation, investigation, mediation, conciliation and arbitration.</em></p> Putu Darmika Copyright (c) 2023-11-01 2023-11-01 5 2 41 48