Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Media Ganesha FHIS 2023-09-22T04:00:05+08:00 Dr. Dewa Gede Sudika Mangku, S.H., LL.M Open Journal Systems <p style="text-align: justify;">Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Media Ganesha FHIS (P2MMGFHIS) is published by the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences, Ganesha Singaraja University of Education, Bali. The objectives of this journal are: To become a more massive publication media on community service; Becoming a media for documenting thoughts based on science, technology and arts and culture (ipteksosbud) which is viewed holistically; Being a media that will support the accreditation of higher education at both the department and institutional level; As well as contributing to the development of arts and culture in Bali as a world tourism icon; and Able to produce work and technology capable of empowering the Indonesian people in general and the Balinese in particular.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">The implementation of community service activities also involves the participation of the community and partners. These service activities are arranged in an activity that aims to improve the welfare of the community. The purpose of this journal publication is to disseminate conceptual thoughts or ideas that have been achieved in the field of community service. Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Media Ganesha FHIS (P2MMGFHIS) is published twice a year, namely in March and November. Contributors in this journal are lecturers at the Ganesha University of Education and other universities.</p> HAK WARGA PASIEN PROLANIS UNTUK MENDAPATKAN PELAYANAN KESEHATAN BERDASARKAN UNDANG – UNDANG NOMOR 36 TAHUN 2009 TENTANG KESEHATAN DI KLINIK RAHMATIKA SEMARANG 2023-01-13T22:09:37+08:00 Muhammad Zahrawan Qurrotaa’yun Muzayanah <p><em>Health services are a primary need in the life of every human being and it is the right to obtain them, therefore everyone needs a healthy body condition to be able to carry out daily activities in order to achieve a prosperous life. In addition to this, health is a human right and one of the elements of social welfare that must be realized in accordance with the ideals of the Indonesian nation, as referred to in Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution. Health services are a manifestation of the implementation of U.U. Number 36 of 2009 Concerning Health, so that it is the need and right of every Indonesian citizen. Furthermore, that every activity in an effort to maintain and improve the highest degree of public health, is carried out based on the principles of non-discrimination, participatory and sustainable in order to shape Indonesia's human resources, as well as increase the nation's resilience and competitiveness for national development. This can be realized by carrying out development which must be based on health insights in the sense that national development must pay attention to the health of the community and of course it must be the responsibility of all parties, both for the Government and for the community. This activity is an internship/KKL implementation that must be taken by every student at FHB UNISBANK Semarang who goes directly to the community in order to apply the knowledge gained at the Faculty of Law and Language UNISBANK Semarang. This internship/KKL activity is carried out by the author at the RAHMATIKA Primary Clinic in Semarang which is a health facility that provides health services to the community in general and Prolanis Patient Residents in particular who need health services for themselves and for their families. The implementation of this internship activity apart from carrying out work practices at the RAHMATIKA Pratama Clinic in providing health services to Prolanis Patient Residents, is also carried out by providing legal counseling on "Rights of Prolanis Patient Citizens to Obtain Health Services Based on U.U. Number 36 of 2009 concerning Health". The legal counseling carried out is a Field / Internship work practice activity carried out by the Author together with the Apprentice Supervisor who is the responsibility of Academics in implementing Government Programs in order to provide services to the community to understand and understand that every citizen has guaranteed rights based on the 1945 Constitution, especially in The provisions regarding CHAPTER XA which regulates human rights, especially in article 28 letter H and U.U. Number 36 of 2009 concerning Health.</em></p> 2023-03-01T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) PENYULUHAN HUKUM TENTANG HAK AZASI MANUSIA DALAM UUD 1945 BAGI WARGA PASIEN PROLANIS KLINIK PRATAMA RAHMATIKA SEMARANG 2023-01-13T22:14:13+08:00 Muzayanah Muhammad Zahrawan Qurrotaa’yun <p><em>The Republic of Indonesia is a constitutional state (rechtstaat), thus implementing a constitutional system based on the 1945 Constitution which we know as the constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. The 1945 Constitution establishes the legal basis for the Republic of Indonesia as a state of law, so that the government as administrator of the state and society must obey and adhere to the laws in force in the Republic of Indonesia. Every person who is located and domiciled in the territory of the Republic of Indonesia, be it a citizen or resident, then all of them are obliged to uphold Human Rights (HAM) which have been regulated in Chapter X concerning Human Rights, especially those regulated in Article 28 letter A up to Article 28 letter J of the 1945 Republic of Indonesia Constitution. Community Service Activities are the implementation of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education which must be carried out in order to provide understanding to the community. This community service activity has a target, namely residents of the Prolanis Program Pratama RAHMATIKA Clinic who is located at Pengkol hamlet R.T. 05/ R.T. 01, Ex. Mangunsari, Kec. Gunung Pati, Semarang City, is an Indonesian citizen who needs information and education related to their understanding of Human Rights (HAM) regulated in the 1945 Constitution. Considering that not all people and especially residents of this prolanis patient understand Human Rights or Human rights that must be upheld by every human being in the Republic of Indonesia, even universally in all parts of the world. The 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia regulates every citizen to understand, understand and uphold Human Rights (HAM). This legal counseling is important and very necessary for the residents of the Pratama RAHMATIKA Semarang clinic, because there are still many among these prolanis patients who do not understand and even unconsciously violate this human right. This legal counseling aims to provide understanding to the residents of Prolanis patients at this Clinic, so that it can be disseminated to their families, their living environment and the surrounding community and the wider community in general, so as to foster legal awareness to understand their rights and obligations and be able to obey and uphold Human Rights. Humans owned by every citizen of the Republic of Indonesia and carry out with full sense of responsibility.</em></p> 2023-03-01T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) SOSIALISASI MARAKNYA PROSTITUSI ONLINE DI INDONESIA SOCIALIZATION ON THE RISE OF ONLINE PROSTITUTION IN INDONESIA 2023-01-31T11:06:57+08:00 Ikama Dewi Setia Triana Eti Mul Erowati Elisabeth Pudyastiwi <p><em>This community service aims to provide knowledge and prevent the rise of online prostitution in Indonesia. Online prostitution is a problem that really threatens the younger generation and changes the culture of Indonesian society. Apart from having a bad effect on changing a good legal culture, online prostitution can become addictive for users. It takes good legal awareness to understand the damages caused by online prostitution. There are similarities between prostitution and drug cases. Both of these cases provide legal action for both drug dealers and their pimps. What makes the difference is that in narcotics cases, the user can be free from criminal law action with the condition that they are required to carry out the rehabilitation process until they recover from their addiction to the drug. As for prostitution cases, prostitutes and their service users are exempt from criminal acts with the condition that they "only" have to report to the police. In this case, there is a possibility that prostitution perpetrators will repeat their actions because they feel protected, as long as there are no regulations governing them.</em></p> 2023-02-01T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) SOSIALISASI PENGELOLAAN SAMPAH BERBASIS MASYARAKAT DI DESA TLAHAB KECAMATAN KARANGREJA KABUPATEN PURBALINGGA 2023-01-31T11:12:24+08:00 Elly Kristiani Purwendah Aniek Periani Agoes Djatmiko <p><em>This community service aims to provide motivation to the people of Tlahab Village, Wanareja District, Purbalingga Regency to carry out waste management with an awareness of good and healthy environmental insight as a right and obligation as citizens and carry out waste sorting methods so that they become efficient, provide economic value as well as developing the circular economy concept as a goal of sustainable development as one of the environmental principles and the main rationale for waste management in Indonesia.</em></p> 2023-02-01T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) PENINGKATAN PEMAHAMAN MASYARAKAT TERKAIT DENGAN PERAN KAPASITAS HUKUM DALAM MELAKUKAN PERJANJIAN DAN KONTRAK UNTUK MEWUJUDKAN KEPASTIAN HUKUM DAN KEADILAN BAGI PARA PIHAK 2023-09-22T04:00:05+08:00 Hartana <p><em>This community service article aims to provide knowledge and increase understanding to the public regarding the role of legal capacity in entering into agreements and contracts to create legal certainty and justice for the parties. An agreement is an agreement by which one or more parties bind themselves to one or more people. The rise in cases of disputes that occur as a result of unclear or invalid agreements has resulted in many ordinary people and those who are not competent in the law suffering losses because of this. Several other factors also underlie the occurrence of these disputes and problems, one of which is the lack of legal capacity to enter into an agreement or contract. The method used in this community service process is by conducting outreach and outreach with the community through focus group discussions. To increase public understanding regarding the role of legal capacity in entering into agreements and contracts, several steps can be taken, such as legal education, public information, advocacy and collaboration. So, in order to realize legal certainty and justice for the parties to agreements and contracts, increasing public understanding regarding the role of legal capacity is very important. With a better understanding of legal capacity, people can make legal and binding agreements and contracts, as well as understand the legal consequences that may arise from these agreements or contracts. A better understanding of legal capacity can also help people protect their interests in agreements and contracts</em></p> 2023-03-01T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c)