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Ulwiyah Bariroh
Komang Febrinayanti Dantes
Muhamad Jodi Setianto


This study aims to find out and understand (1) the factors considered by the Singaraja Religious Court Panel of Judges in deciding cases and (2) the legal consequences arising from the Fasakh Ruling on Divorce Divorce cases by couples who change religions in terms of the Compilation of Islamic Law. This research is a normative legal research that uses statutory, conceptual and case approaches. The legal materials used are primary, secondary and tertiary legal materials. The results of the study show that (1) the factors considered by the Panel of Judges in deciding the Divorce divorce case with Fasakh Decisions consist of two factors, namely legal considerations in compensation and legal considerations in reconvention. The legal consideration factor in the convention is that the majority of scholars are of the opinion that the pleasure of one of the husband and wife causes fasakh or the cancellation of the marriage. To officially annul a marriage must be done in court. While the legal considerations in the reconvention are Article 41 letter (c) of the Marriage Law which gives the Court the right to oblige husbands to provide subsistence expenses for children if they have children and also for ex-wives and (2) legal consequences arising from an annulled marriage by the Singaraja Religious Court, the result of the marriage between the applicant and the respondent was that the marriage between the Petitioner and the Respondent was broken up due to fasakh and this did not reduce the amount of the talaq handed down. If both of them have children, the legal consequences refer to Article 76 of the Compilation of Islamic Law. If both of them have joint assets, the distribution refers to the provisions of Article 94 of the Compilation of Islamic Law. If the two have a marriage certificate, they must apply for a divorce certificate separately at the authorized registry office.

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