Ekskavasi Dalam Kaca Mata Manajemen Sumber Daya Budaya

  • Yuni Rahmawati BPCB Provinsi Banten


Excavation is often considered a major feature of archeology. But unfortunately,  excavation is often carried out without caring whether the artifacs are preserved and properly utilized or not. In some cases, excavators ignore fundamental aspecs, such as in-depth interpretation of excavation results, proper maintenance and storage of excavated artifacts and publication of excavation results. If these fundamental aspecs cannot be carried out properly, then why insist on doing excavations?


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How to Cite
Rahmawati, Yuni. 2021. “Ekskavasi Dalam Kaca Mata Manajemen Sumber Daya Budaya”. Jurnal Widya Citra 2 (2), 22-27. https://doi.org/10.10101/juwitra.v2i2.731.