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Ni Putu Meliana Wardiani
Made Sugi Hartono
Ni Putu Rai Yuliartini
I Gusti Ayu Apsari Hadi


Regarding the implementation of rehabilitation for narcotics addicts and victims of narcotics abuse, it is an important thing to research, not only because there are not a small number of narcotics addicts in Buleleng Regency, but because the implementation of rehabilitation is very important in the entire system for dealing with narcotics abuse. This research examines the effectiveness of rehabilitation for narcotics addicts and victims of narcotics abuse in Buleleng Regency in overcoming narcotics abuse in Buleleng Regency and the obstacles encountered in implementing rehabilitation for narcotics addicts and victims of narcotics abuse in Buleleng Regency in overcoming narcotics abuse in Buleleng Regency. This research is descriptive empirical legal research, utilizing library data sources and field data sources to obtain secondary and primary data. Data collection was carried out by conducting literature studies and interviews. Data was obtained descriptively. Rehabilitation for narcotics addicts and victims of narcotics abuse in Buleleng Regency in tackling narcotics abuse in Buleleng Regency has been effective. Obstacles encountered in carrying out rehabilitation for narcotics addicts and victims of narcotics abuse in Buleleng Regency in overcoming narcotics abuse in Buleleng Regency include personal limitations, no permanent office, lack of public legal awareness, Buleleng National Narcotics Agency has not been able to provide inpatient services, as well as funding problems for people who do not have a Healthy Indonesia Card.

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How to Cite
Wardiani, N. P. M., Hartono, M. S., Yuliartini, N. P. R., & Hadi, I. G. A. A. (2023). THE EFFECTIVENESS OF REHABILITATION FOR DRUG ADDICTS AND VICTIMS OF DRUG ABUSE IN TACKLING DRUG ABUSE IN BULELENG DISTRICT. International Journal of Law, Tourism, and Culture, 1(1), 1-11. Retrieved from


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