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This study aims to (1) evaluate the steps taken by Polres Buleleng in overcoming the crime of illegal racing committed by teenagers in Singaraja City, and (2) analyze the obstacles faced by Polres Buleleng in handling the crime of illegal racing in Singaraja City. This research uses empirical legal research method with descriptive approach. Data collection techniques include observation, document analysis, and interviews. This research is supported by various legal materials such as legislation, journals, articles, literature, and academic papers relevant to the topic. The results showed that (1) The steps taken by Buleleng Police in dealing with the problem of illegal racing in Singaraja City were in accordance with the provisions stipulated in Article 2 of Law Number 2 of 2002 concerning Police. The Buleleng Police have carried out their functions through pre-emptive, preventive and repressive measures (2) The Buleleng Police have experienced various obstacles in their efforts to overcome the problem of illegal racing in the city of Singaraja. These obstacles include internal constraints, such as the limited number of police officers, where one patrol car only has four members to monitor various locations.
Article Details
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Criminal Code
Law Number 2 of 2002 Concerning the Police, (State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia)
Indonesia Year 2002 Number 2, Supplement to the State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Number 4168).
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