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Aichel Jansmanta Ginting
Ni Ketut Sari Adnyani
Ni Luh Wayan Yasmiati


 This research aims to determine and analyze related to (1) Implementation of article 31 of Law No. 16 of 2019 concerning marriage in the application of the tukur (dowry) tradition in the Batak Karo traditional community; (2) Customary sanctions against the Batak Karo indigenous people who do not implement the tukur (dowry) tradition. This research is empirical legal research that uses observation, interviews and literature studies. The legal materials used in this research are primary, secondary and tertiary legal materials which are useful for drawing conclusions relevant to the problems in this research. The results of the research show that (1) the Karo Batak indigenous people who live in the city have begun to die out existing traditional traditions, especially the tukur (dowry) tradition, so that there are still many gender inequalities found in household life. (2) The customary sanction obtained is that if the husband and wife do not pay the tukur (dowry) then the marriage is considered invalid by custom and also has an impact on the descendants of the husband and wife. The impact received by the husband and wife's descendants is that they are not allowed to carry out traditional marriages. Apart from that, when a husband and wife do not pay the tukur (dowry) when they die, the family is not allowed to carry out traditional death ceremonies.


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