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Guruh Febriyanto
Made Sugi Hartono
Muhamad Jodi Setianto


The role of the police regarding the disclosure of the perpetrators of releasing babies in Tista village, Busung Biu sub-district, Buleleng Regency (a case study at the Buleleng Police Office). The purpose of this study was to determine (1) the role of the police regarding the disclosure of the perpetrators of releasing babies that occurred in Tista village, Busung Biu sub-district, Buleleng district and (2) the obstacles to arrest by the Buleleng sector police regarding the perpetrators of releasing babies in Tista village, sub-district busung biu, buleleng district. The type of research used in this research is empirical legal research. The legal materials used are primary legal materials. Secondary legal materials and tertiary legal materials. Related to this research, the authors used a non-random sampling technique, which is a sampling technique where not all elements in the population have the same opportunity to become members of the sample. Related to this study the authors used a non-random sampling technique. In this study, the data obtained was analyzed using qualitative analysis, namely describing the data in a descriptive and comprehensive manner in the form of research results showing (1) The role of the Buleleng Police in the case of releasing the baby in exposing the perpetrators of infanticide that occurred in Tiste Village, Busung Biu District, Buleleng Regency here the role of the police is very necessary to protect children and women so that cases of releasing babies do not occur, but the role of the police in uncovering perpetrators of cases of releasing babies takes steps to process crime scenes, the precent investigation. Where the Buleleng police coordinate with institutions that handle the protection of children and women, these institutions are Non-Governmental Organizations and the Social Service. (2) Obstacles to the investigation by the Buleleng Sector Police regarding the perpetrators of releasing babies in Tista Village, Busung Biu District, Buleleng Regency occur quite frequently so several efforts are needed. The efforts that can be made by the Buleleng Sector Police are preventive efforts in the form of prevention, repressive efforts in the form of countermeasures and pre-emptive efforts in the form of counseling and outreach.

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