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Kadek Sri Puspita Devi
Dewa Gede Sudika Mangku
Ni Putu Rai Yuliartini


This study aims to (1) find out and analyze law enforcement against perpetrators of the crime of disposal of babies in the jurisdiction of Denpasar City; and (2) to find out and analyze the factors that influence law enforcement against the perpetrators of the crime of disposal of babies in the jurisdiction of Denpasar City. This research was conducted in the city of Denpasar, namely at the Denpasar City Police, the Denpasar District Attorney and the Denpasar District Court Class 1B. The research method used is empirical legal research using a non-probability sampling technique using purposive sampling. Data processing and analysis techniques used are qualitative techniques. The results of the study indicate that law enforcement against the perpetrators of the crime of disposal of babies in the jurisdiction of Denpasar City has been going well, namely through an investigative process that aims to find and find an event that is suspected of being a crime, investigations that aim to find and find evidence, followed by the process of arrest, detention, search, confiscation, examination, prosecution and implementation of the decision before the court. The role of law enforcement officials in minimizing the crime rate of disposal of babies is by implementing efforts based on two channels, namely the Penal route which focuses more on repressive/enforcement, and the Non Penal route which focuses more on preventing crime, so that the intended target is the factor conducive to the cause of the crime. This role is carried out through prevention activities with a social approach, prevention activities with a situational approach, and prevention activities with a community approach.

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