Tradisi Siraman Gong Kyai Pradah Dan Keterkaitan Dengan Perekonomian Masyarakat Kelurahan Kalipang Kecamatan Sutojayan Kabupaten Blitar

  • Muspita Devi IAIN Tulungagung
  • Dita Hendriani IAIN Tulungagung


This research is motivated by the many people who believe in and carry out the ceremony in the form of the heirloom of Gong Kyai Pradah. This matter is very interesting to study, considering that in modern times everything should be judged based on ratios and the number of people who believe in mystical things is decreasing. However, there are still many residents who follow siraman even in pandemic conditions. The Covid-19 pandemic that has spread will eventually have a very bad impact on the economy, including in Kalipang Village, Sutojayan Blitar, especially for traders who sell around the siraman area.This research uses a qualitative approach, with the type of field research (field research). Collecting data using in-depth interview techniques, participant observation, and documentation study.The result of the research is the influence of the Gong Kyai Pradah ceremony for the economy of the community. The community is very dependent on their work in the event. The local community is highly anticipating the implementation of the siraman before the pandemic, where their income soars due to the large number of visitors. Due to the pandemic, the community's economy is different from previous years, here it can be seen that people's income has decreased due to large-scale social restrictions (PSBB) where the number of visitors who take part in the Siraman Gong Kyai Pradah Ritual this year is limited. The economic impacts that occur after the pandemic include: (1) Lack of buyers, (2) Traders are limited to the surrounding community (3) There are restrictions on trading hours (4) There is no supply for local villages.


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How to Cite
Devi, Muspita, and Dita Hendriani. 2021. “Tradisi Siraman Gong Kyai Pradah Dan Keterkaitan Dengan Perekonomian Masyarakat Kelurahan Kalipang Kecamatan Sutojayan Kabupaten Blitar”. Jurnal Widya Citra 2 (2), 10-21.