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Muzayanah Muzayanah


The constitutional system of the Republic of Indonesia is a democratic system, so the highest sovereignty rests in the hands of the people, so that the people have the power to determine the election of a leader who will occupy a chair of leadership in every region / region in the Republic of Indonesia. The right to vote is a human right that must be realized in accordance with the ideals of the Indonesian nation, as referred to in Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution. The patients who participate in the Prolanis Program at the Primary Clinic "RAHMATIKA" Gunung Pati are Indonesian citizens who need information and information. education related to the implementation of the Regional Head Election. Given the very importance of the implementation of Regional Head Elections for the Government of the Republic of Indonesia, because the period of ending regional leadership, both Provincial, Regency / City Leaders, requires continuity in the administration of the state administration, so it is very necessary to carry out regional head elections so that the administration of state administration in various regions will continue with good. Therefore the holding of regional head elections must be carried out even though at this time, all countries in the world are still experiencing the Covid -19 pandemic. There are no obstacles or obstacles as long as we remain vigilant in dealing with the Covid 19 virus by complying with the health protocol instructed by the Covid 19 Task Force in Indonesia. The Community Service Team needs to convey that not all of the Prolanis Clinic Pratama "RAHMATIKA" residents understand and understand the Citizens' Voting Rights to carry out Regional Head elections by casting their votes to elect candidates for regional head in their area. How important is the voting right of citizens to elect a leader to be elected in their area, because for the next 5 (five) years leadership will be led by an elected regional head candidate. Therefore, this is very important so that citizens, in this case the Prolanist Patient, understand and understand and if they use their right to vote in regional head elections as well as possible, it is necessary to provide legal counseling on Citizen Voting Rights in Head Elections. Regions in Implementing Democracy in Indonesia. This extension is the responsibility of Academics / Researchers / Community Service Team in implementing Government Programs in order to provide legal services / counseling to the public to understand and understand that every citizen is guaranteed his rights based on the 1945 Constitution, especially in the provisions of Article 27 paragraph (1) of the Year Constitution. 1945

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