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Rahmad Yulizar Lubis
I Wayan Landrawan
Made Sugi Hartono


This research aims to find out and analyzed To: (1) Application of Restorative Justice towards children as criminal act of theft in the Buleleng police station; (2) Obstacles faced by the police in implementing Restorative Justice towards children who commit criminal thefts at Buleleng Police Station. This research is empirical juridical legal research that uses observations, interviews and document studies. The sampling technique in this research uses non-probability sampling techniques in the form of purpose sampling. The legal materials used in this research are primary, secondary and tertiary legal materials, which are useful in drawing conclusions relevant to the problems of this research. The results of the research show that (1) The implementation of Restorative Justice includes parents of the perpetrator and the victim, Correctional Center, social workers from social services. A then attempted mediation through diversion, (2) There were several obstacles to the implementation of Restorative Justice, including the victim's family's lack of desire to make peace, the perpetrator's lack of good faith, the victim's demand for compensation which was irrelevant and inadequate, and a lack of public knowledge about Restorative Justice efforts.

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How to Cite
Lubis, R. Y., Landrawan, I. W., & Hartono, M. S. (2023). THE APPLICATION OF RESTORATIVE JUSTICE AGAINST CHILDREN AS PERPETRATORS OF THEFT CRIME IN BULELENG POLICE STATION. International Journal of Law, Tourism, and Culture, 1(2), 47-56. Retrieved from


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