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This paper focuses on the impact of the strategies and policies for handling the Covid-19 pandemic by ASEAN member countries on migrant workers. The protection of the rights of migrant workers is part of the protection of human rights regulated in various international legal instruments as well as within the ASEAN framework, especially in the ASEAN Consensus on the Promotion and Protection of the Rights of Migrant Workers (ACPPRMW). The strategies and policies taken by ASEAN member countries in dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic in their countries have had a significant impact on the disruption of the fulfilment of the rights of migrant workers, both their rights to work and opinion, the right to social welfare and the right to health. For countries receiving migrant workers, these measures have not only restricted the entry of migrant workers into the territory of their country but have also forced most migrant workers to lose their jobs and income temporarily or permanently and even have to leave the country's territory to return to the country. origin. For migrant worker-sending countries, the repatriation of migrant workers has caused problems related to health and the economy.

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