Proses Penerapan Asas Sederhana, Cepat Dan Biaya Ringan Dalam Menangani Sengketa Tanah Melalui Mediasi (Studi Kasus Pengadilan Negeri Singaraja Kelas 1 B)

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I Kadek Yuda Arta Negara
Ketut Sari Adnyani
Ketut Sudiatmaka


The aim of this research are (1) to know the process of applied simple process, fast, and cheap cost in civil proceeding through medition at Land Judiciary Singaraja Class 1B. The types of this research was used empirical yuridical method. Techniques that the researcher used was purposive sampling. The subject of this research was mediator judge in land judiciary singaraja class 1b and object of this research was supreme courd regulation no 1, year 2016 about judiciary medition procedur and the research location in Land Judiciary Office singaraja class 1B. Techniques that the researcher used were interview and observation checklist. The data was analyzed by using descriptivel qualitative. The result of this research showed (1) nased on the result of this result, every case tha was entired in judiciary must be used E-Court system. So, in fast principle, the society who come at judiciary was available a E-court system in order the people who come in here don’t need come in judiciary. Simple princple, in simple princple way, if the past judge as replict, duplict, come in judiciary but nowdays, the judge only upload through email only. But, cheap cost, both of side must be come to the judiciary and did a medition . in order don’t exit most of money. (2) based on interview that was did with Mr. Dipa Rudiana., S.E., M.H and he was said PERMA effectivenessNo 1 year 2016 about medition procedur in applied simple principle, fast and cheap cost was on way and effective at Land Judiciary Singaraja Class 1B.

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