Peranan Tu’a Golo Dalam Menyelesaikan Sengketa Tanah Ulayat Di Kecamatan Cibal Barat Manggarai Nusa Tenggara Timur

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Afradiana Murni
I Wayan Landarawan
I Nyoman Natajaya


This studyamis are to find out how golo tu’a resolving ulayat and disputes, the factors causingthe land disputes, the from of land disputes the occur in the village of Golo Lanak, West Cibal Subdistrict, Mangarai NTT, and the way tu’a golo ( adat head) in resolving ulayat and disputes in Golo Lanak Village, Cibal Barat District, Manggarai, NTT. This study use qualitative descriptive approach and the data was collected using the method of observation, interviews and documentation. The results of the study indicate that : the cause of ulayat land disputes is due to the land boundary of Golo Lanak Village is unclear. Disputes that onccur in Golo Lanak Village are the traditional community of Golo Woi Village (kina tribe) controlling the customary land owned by Golo Lanak Village (maki tribe) disputes is namely in the from of utterances of words where each thinks that they are right and entitle to land. The method of golo tua in resolving the costomary land dispute in the village of Golo Lanak is through lonto leok (deliberation). These are the customs and symbols of the Manggarai tradisional community that are used. In this from. Efforts to resolve ulayat land diputes are resolved with the hambor damai (somekind of peace treaty)

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