Jurnal Gender dan Hak Asasi Manusia is a journal that has a field of legal science. This journal is published by the Law Studies Program, Department of Law and Citizenship, Faculty of Law and Social Sciences, Ganesha Singaraja University of Education, Bali. Jurnal Gender dan Hak Asasi Manusia is intended for academics, practitioners, and students / the general public who are open to writings in the field of law in the form of research articles and conceptual studies. Areas of manuscripts published in this journal are related to legal research in the field of law: Criminal Law; Civil law; Constitutional law; Administrative Law; International law; Islamic law; Health Law; Environmental law; Labor Law; Customary law; Hindu Law. As well as other current topics in relevant legal fields. Jurnal Gender dan Hak Asasi Manusia is published every 2 times a year, namely March and September (Online ISSN : 2987-2308 ; Print ISSN : 2986-0059).
Current Issue
Vol 1 No 1 (2023): Maret, Jurnal Gender dan Hak Asasi Manusia
Jurnal Gender dan Hak Asasi Manusia is a journal that has a field of legal science. This journal is published by the Law Studies Program, Department of Law and Citizenship, Faculty of Law and Social Sciences, Ganesha Singaraja University of Education, Bali. Jurnal Gender dan Hak Asasi Manusia is intended for academics, practitioners, and students / the general public who are open to writings in the field of law in the form of research articles and conceptual studies. Areas of manuscripts published in this journal are related to legal research in the field of law: Criminal Law; Civil law; Constitutional law; Administrative Law; International law; Islamic law; Health Law; Environmental law; Labor Law; Customary law; Hindu Law. As well as other current topics in relevant legal fields. Jurnal Gender dan Hak Asasi Manusia is published every 2 times a year, namely March and September.
Published: 2024-05-31