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A.T.P. Agustina
B. Satria
E.E. Nainggolan


The purpose of this study was to develop instructional materials for teaching speaking skills used Adobe Flash CS6, specifically focusing on asking and giving information related to class schedules. This material were subsequently implemented to the seventh-grade students at SMPN 5 Tanjungpinang. The primary objective was to create C-BT Media "Fun Learning" for Speaking Skills, which aimed to increase students' motivation to learn to speak in English, engage students, and encourage their active participation in teaching and learning activities, particularly in relation to asking and giving information about the class schedule. The study utilized the Research and Development (R&D) technique, specifically employing the ADDIE model developed by Borg and Gall as referenced by Durak and Ataizi. The ADDIE model consisted of five distinct stages: Analyzing, Designing, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. Data was obtained via interviews, validation sheets, assessments of students' speaking skills, and questionnaires. The C-BT Media "Fun Learning" for Speaking skills met the validity criteria successfully. The material validation scoring was very valid, with no suggestions for improvement. The media validation scoring was also very valid, with suggestions provided according to the expert. The students' speaking skills test score was 76%, and their questionnaire score regarding the product was 94.92%. Therefore, the C-BT Media "Fun Learning" program for Speaking Skills was considered appropriate for use in the classroom to improve students' learning.

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