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N.K.S. Widarini
I.N.A.J. Putra
N.P.E. Marsakawati


New online teaching strategies had posed many challenges for teachers. It was not easy to be applied, because teachers were still learning E-learning. They encountered some challenges during the implementation. Therefore, teachers used various strategies in online learning to achieve the learning objectives. This research aimed to investigate strategies that teachers used and challenges that they encountered  when they were teaching English during online learning. The research design used in this study was qualitative case studies. The research subjects were three English teachers who were teaching at public junior high schools in Tabanan District. The data were collected by using observations and interviews. The data analysis technique used was  descriptive qualitative. The results showed that: strategies used by teachers were online chat only and mixing online chat with video conferencing, they were: Google form, Google Meet, quizzes, and video.  Google meet  was found to be rarely used for online learning because most teachers only used online chat, they were: Google form, quizzes, and video . Teachers found some challenges, they were: internet connection, unresponsive students, and problems with the operation of the equipment at the beginning of the pandemic. 

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