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N.M.S. Laraswati
N.N. Parwati


The number of individual studies on the effect of the project based e-learning model on problem solving abilities with varying result needs to be explored to determine their effectiveness and research characteristics. This study was aimed to determine the effect of the project based e-learning model toward problem solving abilities. Inclusion and exclusion criteria had been determined, the fifteen relevant studies had been selected for further study related to the project based e-learning model toward problem solving abilities. The research design was a meta-analysis research that analyzed national and international scientific articles using the digital media platform Scimagojr, Google Scholar, Mendeley, Web of Science, Sinta Ristekdikti, and Scopus. The stages of this meta-analysis research consisted of searching and retrieving articles, filtering, sorting, and analyzing. The data collection method was a documentation study. The research instrument used in this meta-analysis research was the documentation-recording sheet. The result shows that from the fifteen relevant research studies that have been selected based on the inclusion criteria and calculated using meta-analysis to determine the effect size. The analysis of the research's results was carried out as a whole, based on education level, dependent variable, independent variable, scientific group and research design. From the analysis conducted, the use of a project based e-learning model has a significant effect toward problem solving abilities in the experimental class. This proves that the project based e-learning model is strongly effective, with an overall average effect size of 0.632 with a standard deviation of 0.795 which is categorized as large. Thus, the project based e-learning model is highly effective to be applied to complex problems in order to improve the problem solving abilities. The results of the effectiveness of the project-based e-learning model become a teacher's recommendation in sorting out the use of innovative learning model.

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