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N.K.D.T. Rahayu
K. Agustini
I.W.S. Warpala


The development of interactive multimedia based on problem posing aims to improve critical thinking skills in students, in the Algorithm and Programming course. The development of this multimedia product uses the ADDIE model which has 5 stages, namely analyze, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. This study involved 30 students of STMIK Bandung Bali. This development research went through the beta testing stage, namely testing by experts, and alpha testing by users, namely students and teachers, to determine the feasibility and student responses to the Algorithm and Programming learning media. The results of the beta testing assessment of the level of material feasibility were 1.00 and the media was 1.00 with a very feasible category. Alpha testing obtained an average response from individual students of 93.94%, a small group test of 91.92%, and a field test of 90.71%. The pretest results were 54.6 and a posttest of 76.7. The effectiveness test was carried out by measuring the results of the t test with a significance level of α = 0.05 and df = 29, the t table value was obtained = 2.05553. Because the tcount value > ttable (12.105 > 2.05553) and the sig value < 0.05. Thus, there is a significant difference in the critical thinking skills of students learning Algorithms and Programming before using learning media and after using learning media. This shows that interactive learning media based on problem posing Algorithms and Programming can improve students' critical thinking skills.

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