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The current issue which is discussed are: 1) the content of thematic book is not accordance with the current environment and culture of the students; 2) some of the books are not showing a proper real situation on the learning process; 3) the delivery of thematic book doesn’t align woth the scientific approach; and 4) The learning material at the elementary school is not able to develop the narrative skill of the student. This study aims to determine: 1) the validity of Development of Children's Story Book along the Local Wisdom of Subak with the Theme of Caring to the Living Creatures for Elementary School, 4th Grade; 2) the practicality of subak local wisdom children's storybooks in the theme of care to organism for grade 4th elementary school students; 3) students response of subak local wisdom children's storybooks in the theme of care to organism for grade 4th elementary school students. This research adopted the 4D model (Define, Design, Develop, and Disseminate). Collecting the validity data and practicality data was using manual data form. Two experts were involved in measuring the data validity. The collected data was using a Likert scale to present. Practicality data was estimated based on teacher and student responses as the object in this study: three teacher and 23 students of 4th Grade. The results showed that: 1) it obtained an average of 4.91, which was in the excellent category. 2) based on the results of the teacher response analysis, it obtained an average of 4.28, which is in the efficient category. 3) based on the results of the student response analysis, the percentage was 94% with the efficient category. These results concluded that these children's story book is valid and practical.
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