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C. Rahayu


Learning media is a support for teaching activities to be effective. The rapid development of technology today has prompted many applications to emerge that can be used as a learning media, one of which is Macromedia Flash. The reality in the field shows that the average score of basic chemistry final semester FT Unes classically is still low, namely 65 with the percentage of students who pass 42.85% and those who do not pass 57.15%. As a solution to this problem, research was carried out using Macromedia Flash as a learning media. The purpose of this study was to describe the perceptions of engineering students towards the use of animation media in basic chemistry lectures. This type of research is descriptive quantitative with the research sample being students at level I of the Faculty of Engineering and Planning, Ekasakti University in the basic chemistry lectures in the odd semester of 2020/2021 totaling 80 people who were selected by simple random sampling technique. The data collection technique used was a non-test technique in the form of a questionnaire. Based on the research results, it was found that engineering students who agreed that flash animation media could accelerate understanding of basic chemistry by 56.25% while 43.75% disagreed, engineering students who agreed that flash animation media could lead to solving problems based on basic chemical concepts were 60 % while 40% disagreed, engineering students who agreed that flash animation media was interesting to use in basic chemistry lectures were 75% while 25% disagreed, engineering students who agreed that flash animation media could facilitate understanding of abstract concepts in basic chemistry lectures were as much as 68.75% while 31.25% disagree, and engineering students who agree that flash animation media can increase motivation for basic chemistry lectures by 62.50% while 37.50% disagree. It is hoped that the use of flash animation in learning activities will be more effective in the future.

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