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The problem in this research is by the low of the students’ learning outcomes in Craft subject and the unavailable interactive media in supporting that vocational learning. Therefore, this research aimed to develop the interactive media and to know the validity of the interactive media in Craft learning. This development research used ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation) research model . Validity result of the product was Valid with each assessment, a) the results of the review of learning content experts with a percentage of 97.5% with a very good category, b) the results of the review of learning design expert with a percentage 88.57 % with a good category, c) the results of the review of learning media expert with a percentage 84.44% with a good category, d) the results of the review of individual trial with 93.33% with a very good category,e) the results of the review of small group trial with a percentage 94.58 % with a very good category. Based on the results, this Craft learning interactive media is worth it to use as a learning source.
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