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The Covid-19 pandemic period has changed the learning process that was previously face-to-face in class, into online learning. In online learning, a strategy is needed in the delivery of learning material so that it can be optimally accepted by students. Flipped classrooms are an alternative learning model that can support the optimization of material delivery during the online learning process. The purpose of this study is to implement the flipped classroom learning model in online learning that is collaborated with the bloom taxonomy, to achieve learning objectives. The research method used is an implementation of the flipped classroom model and distributing questionnaires to collect data on the results of the implementation. The results obtained were positive responses from students in the implementation of online learning using the flipped classroom learning model, students were given instructions and directions in implementing the flipped classroom model from preparation outside the classroom to inside the classroom. The new habit that students apply during the implementation of the flipped classroom is to prepare discussion materials, so that during the live session, the atmosphere in online learning becomes more dynamic with questions and responses from students, the application of the flipped classroom model collaborates with the level of the bloom taxonomy domain (C1-C6) so that a structured learning process is formed so that it supports the learning objectives that have been set in the semester learning plan. The results of the questionnaire distribution also showed that more than 50% stated that they were good and agreed, if the flipped classroom learning model was implemented in the learning process.
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