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Fajar Dwi Romadhon
Rahayu Subekti


This research describes and examines the problems, first how the urgency of regulation of renewable energy in electric-based vehicles to support environmental protection in Indonesia. Second, how is the comparison of renewable energy arrangements related to the development of electricity sources in Indonesia, Brazil and Pakistan. This research is a normative legal research that is prescriptive using a statutory research approach (Statue Approach) and comparative approach (Comparative Approach). Primary data types include primary and secondary legal materials. The data collection technique used was a literature study (library research). The analysis technique used is the syllogistic method which uses a deductive mindset. The results of the study show that, firstly, to overcome the problem of scarcity of energy, renewable energy is present as an innovation and an alternative as an effort to prevent energy scarcity which will impact on the disruption of the stability of living things, therefore to develop the use of renewable energy, especially in the transportation sector, the government issued Presidential Decree No. 55 of 2019 followed by policies related to electricity sources, namely Presidential Decree No. 112 of 2022. Second, when compared to Brazil and Pakistan, Indonesia has more types of renewable energy sources, therefore Indonesia should be able to maximize the use of renewable energy for daily use for the public interest.

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