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I.G.A. Wirayuda
D.K. Tantra
N.M. Ratminingsih


The current research’s objective was to analyze the effect of Pattern Technique on the seventh grade students’ writing competency across text types in the Junior High School. This research used Two-Control-Group Experimental Design with a 2 x 2 factorial arrangement. The research population included all the seventh grade students in Sekolah Menengah Pertama Widya Sakti Denpasar. Two classes were sampled randomly selected and randomly assigned to the experimental and control groups. Data on the students’ writing competency was collected by means of writing performance assessment as the only instrument. Data were analyzed firstly descriptively using measures of central tendency and dispersion. Further analysis was conducted inferentially using One-Way ANOVA. The research findings showed that Pattern Technique had significant effect on the seventh grade students’ descriptive and recount writing competency (F-ratio=41.228; Fcv=0.01). The Pattern Technique effected differently on the students’ writing competency when they wrote descriptive and Recount texts. The research findings implied the necessity to provide EFL learning processes with an effective tool, so that the students have a scaffolding or a pattern in describing and narrating people, animals, objects, experiences, accidents, or incidents etc. It also implied to the EFL teachers to minimize dominance in the learning processes and resort to students’ creativity and involvement.

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