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F.Z. Wilda
B. Eusabinus
W. Wardah


The purpose of this study is to improve students' vocabulary using riddle games as a method in the teaching-learning process. This study employs a Classroom Action Research (CAR) design, conducted in two cycles during the academic year 2022/2023 at SMP Negeri 14 Pontianak with a total of 34 students in Grade VII A. The class sample was selected using Cluster Random Sampling. Data collection was carried out using three primary instruments: observation checklists, field notes, and measurement tests. The observation checklists were used to monitor student engagement and participation during the learning process, while field notes provided detailed qualitative insights into the classroom dynamics. The measurement tests were administered at the end of each cycle to quantitatively assess the improvement in students' vocabulary. The data from checklists and field notes were analyzed descriptively to capture the students' active involvement, and the test score data were analyzed using the mean value formula to measure progress. Observations and field notes indicated that students were active and enthusiastic during the lessons. Student performance increased by 17.33% from the first cycle to the second cycle. Furthermore, the individual score data revealed that some students initially only achieved the minimum score of 50. However, after the implementation of riddle games, most students achieved satisfactory results, reaching the Minimum Completion Criteria of 75 points. These findings highlight a significant improvement in vocabulary acquisition between the first and second cycle tests, clearly indicating that the use of riddle games is an effective method for teaching vocabulary.

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