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I.G.A.D. Pradnyandari
N.W.S. Mahayanti
P.K. Nitiasih


The textbook is the main teaching material that teachers rely on to carry out English learning in the classroom. Based on the pioneering emancipated curriculum, the researcher aims to analyze the differentiated materials offered by the "My Next Word" textbook for grade six. In this study, the descriptive qualitative method is employed through document analysis. Specifically, the sixth grade "My Next Words" textbook is thoroughly examined to determine the extent to which it supports the VARK (Visual, Auditory, Read/Write, and Kinesthetic) learning styles in each of the six topics covered in semester 1. Additionally, two English teachers from two public elementary schools located in Denpasar were interviewed to gain a deeper understanding of their opinions regarding the textbook utilized. Because they had incorporated “My Next Words” as a learning resource into the school curriculum, both teachers were selected. The researcher employed the method proposed by Miles and Huberman (2014) which consists of four systematic activities, namely collecting data, condensing, presenting data, and drawing conclusions. The study's findings show how limited the ability of the textbook "My Next Word" to provide varied content based on VARK learning styles is. The book's material only partially supported the four learning styles of the students. In addition, the researcher found that the teacher is also not able to rely on the textbook well due to limited instructions so the material offered according to the teacher is less clear. Therefore, it can be concluded that the sixth grade "My Next Word" textbook published by the government has not been able to bridge teachers and students to create differentiated learning because it does not really support learning according to students' learning styles. This implies the need for a more thorough analysis of the "My Next Words" textbook that is already in use as well as the necessity to take into account the development of more trustworthy English teaching materials.

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