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M. Rahman


The purpose of this research was to identify the English Department students' requirements for learning English related to the hotel & tourism industry. The research was conducted using a qualitative descriptive approach, and the subjects were two classes taken as sample for the study, 36 second-semester students from the academic year 2021/2022. Data were collected through a questionnaire and then analyzed descriptively, with interpretation provided by the researcher. The findings revealed that students perceived it to be essential to learn English for Hotel & Tourism to aid their future education and career prospects. The students wanted to learn English for Hotel & Tourism to understand the language used in the tourism industry and to acquire general knowledge of the English language. As students had difficulty with speaking and writing, the priority of the course was on developing their speaking and writing abilities through various activities, such as discussions. The students emphasized the importance of homework in the learning process. The study's outcomes are expected to be used as a reference to design and develop appropriate learning materials to meet the students' academic and professional requirements, particularly for English for Hotel & Tourism learning.

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