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D.S. Kirani
R. Islam
W. Lestari
A. Aziz


Education is one of the criteria for the development of a nation. The more educated the society, the better the quality of the nation. In order to obtain an educated society, of course, education has a very important role in the sustainability of a country. Therefore, every country must pay attention to the system and quality of education. In order to improve the quality of education in Indonesia, the Ministry of Education and Culture has made a policy, namely an innovative program known as Teaching Assistance, which is one part of Merdeka Belajar. The writing of this article aims to instill student character education through the Teaching Assistance Program at The Family Course Pare institution. Quality improvement, especially in instilling character education, is carried out in a structured manner and is based on the implementation stages contained in the Guidebook. In writing this article, a descriptive qualitative research method was used. The instrument used was observation which was then supported by interviews with several parties such as teachers and 5 students. Data were analyzed through 3 stages, namely data reduction, data presentation, and finally conclusion drawing. The results of observations are used to analyze environmental conditions and various problems faced as a reference for program planning.

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