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K.L. Rastari
I.N.A. Putra
N.K.A. Suwastini


Becoming fluent in English is one of the vital predictors determining successful language learning. Empirically, the lack of effective instructional media employed by English teachers often hindered students from achieving this goal. Integrating technology into English language learning is one solution to overcome these issues. The present study reviewed the integration of YouTube as instructional media in promoting EFL students’ speaking skills. This study was a literature review following Aveyard's design by selecting journal articles published in reputable journals over the past five years used as the data sources for this study. The review revealed many benefits and opportunities obtained by integrating YouTube as instructional media in promoting EFL students’ speaking skills both for teachers and students. The study concludes that YouTube is effective instructional media that can promote students’ speaking skills, including 21st-century learning skills in the EFL classroom.

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