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N.P.E.M. Larasati
D.K. Tantra
I.G.A.L.P. Utami


The phenomenon of mixing and switching languages can easily be found both in real life and on social media, one of which is on Instagram. On Instagram, someone can express themselves in the Instagram caption as Jun Bintang did. Jun Bintang is a multilingual who uses Balinese, Indonesian and English as code mixing and code switching on Instagram social media. Investigating code mixing and code switching as found in the captions of Jun Bintang posts on his Instagram account was the sole research objective. Qualitative research design with descriptive method was applied on code mixing and code switching phenomena. The research objects were focused on Jun Bintang’s posts in three languages, they were, Balinese, Indonesian, and English. Data were collected through observations conducted in March to May,2020. Results of data analysis showed that code mixing types frequently used were such types like 1) insertion, 2) congruent lexicalization, and 3) alternation. Whilst, code switching types used were that of 1) inter-sentential, and 2) intra-sentential. Reasons for using code mixing and switching were identified as showing 1) empathy, 2) ease of using first language, 3) purpose of talking specific topic, 4) prestige, 5) interjection, 6) motive, and 7) group identity.

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