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A.Y.A. Kay
N.L.P.S. Adnyani


The aim of the study is to identify the morphological  of derivational bound morpheme in Magena Language and to find out the functions of Morphological of derivational bound morpheme in Magena Language.” The writer uses the descriptive qualitative method which is aimed to describe bound Morphemes in Magena Language. The subject of this writing is five informants of Magena in collecting the data. The writer assigned the informants to do the storytelling and record them. After that the data were analyzed using the descriptive qualitative method. The findings reveal that the derivational bound morphemes that appear are free morphemes, which consists of a noun, verb. adverb, adjectives. It was also found that the function of the suffix –ne was as possessive of the first-person singular, the function of the suffix - ne as possessive of first – singular, the function of the suffix –me as possessive of first-person plural, The function of the suffix –ya refers to third-person singular as an adverb. Circumfixes pa - and - gi have the function to change the part of speech.  From the result gained the writer could say that derivational bound morpheme in Magena language has their own character and their own function in use.

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