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F. Lengkoan
P.L. Hampp


English as a foreign language is something interest to learn even though it is not easy to learn. In learning English many teachers were try some media, method, strategy, and technique. The aim of this research is to describe how the use of imitation technique is effective in learning English. In this research the researcher used imitation technique in learning English to improve students’ pronunciation and listening skill. By used video the students imitate what are the speaker say, before that they must listen carefully what speaker say. In this research consists of 20 students in third semester and used three videos. This research applied in three treatments. The result showed the student receive better improvement in learning English. The findings in the analysis it showed the improvement of students’ pronunciation is increased from 22.85 to 0.95 incorrect words and the improvement of listening is increased from 28.2 to 78.7, and it concluded that imitation technique is effective technique in learning English. When the words pronounced correctly it was help to recognize the words in case listening skill. In COVID-19 pandemic it is possible to use media such as video youtube in teaching and learning process even though technology could not replace the teacher position but technology will be distributor the knowledge from teacher to student.

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