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This study was intended to investigate the implementation of blended character education program at North Bali Bilingual School (NBBS Singaraja), the teachers’ perception toward its implementation. The character education program in this study were focused on the five-character values of priority in the character education reinforcement program stated in the curriculum 2013. This study employed embedded mixed method design. The subjects of the study were a headmaster and two English teachers of NBBS. The data were collected through document study, interviews, and questionnaires. Qualitative and quantitative approaches were used to analyze the data. As the result, the study revealed that the character education at NBBS Singaraja was implemented effectively through various programs/activities such as: (a) praying activity and celebrating holy days were practiced to instill the character of religious. (b) house reading, project-based activity, and online-based learning were practiced to build the character of integrity (c) The character of self-directedness was implemented through weekly package tasks. (d) Other programs were also implemented to instill the character of nationalists such as flag ceremony and poster making, while (e) Earth day, children’s book week, and performing arts day were the activities of implementing the character of collaboration. Teachers’ perception towards character education implementation was positive. The English teachers had no disturbing challenges during the implementation of character education program. They found some challenges but they could handle it with patience, consistent supervision, guidance and repetition. They also believed that the programs were worth to be implemented since the they were useful for building and fostering students’ character and behavior, student’s English literacy and their academic development.
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