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I.K.R. Yasa


This research aimed at describing the improvement of the students’ attitude towards mathematics lesson after following the lesson using mathematics history. This was a best practice research implemented in two phases: preparation and implementation. The subjects of this research were the students of class XII MIA 2 of SMA N 1 Kubu in the first semester of academic year 2019/2020. There were 25 students consisting of 10 male students and 15 female students. The data of students’ attitude were collected through attitude questionnaires. The collected data were then analyzed descriptively. This research showed that the students’ attitude of class XII MIA 2 of SMA N 1 Kubu in the first semester of academic year 2019/2020 towards mathematics lesson after following the lesson using mathematics history improved. The students’ attitude improved from pre-learning to post-learning using mathematics history. The average of students’ attitude was 48.21 before learning and in the fair category, meanwhile after learning, the average of students’ attitude towards mathematics lesson improved to 74.00 with good category. The improving students’ attitude had positive effect towards the improvement of mathematics learning achievement. The average of students’ daily test improved from 75.48 with learning mastery 92% at the first daily test to 78.72 with learning mastery 100% at the second daily test.

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