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K.A. Nalasari
N.K. Suarni
I.M.C. Wibawa


This study aims to understand the validity expert, validity empiric, and practicality of web based google sites teaching materials on the theme 9 subtheme utilization of natural resources in Indonesia to the fourth grade students of primary schools. This type of study was research and development (R&D). The development design in this study was the ADDIE model which consists of five stages, such as Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. However, in this study the Implementation and Evaluation stages can not be executed because of the time limitation. The subject of this research are 2 learning material experts, 2 learning design experts, 2 learning media experts, 2 practicality experts, 10 fourth grade teachers, and 66 students in fourth grade of primary school. An instrument used is the survey validation expert of product, teachers and the student survey. This research carried out by using the validity of expert analysis techniques referring to formula Robert Gregory, the validity of empirical and practicality test using its mean value the observation compared on PAIT category table. Based on the data analysis, this research obtain test results on the validity of expert product in the form of web based teaching materials that all instruments was 1,0 which was considered as very high category, the average result of assessment of learning material experts products was 96,57%, the average of assessment of learning design expert products was of 94%, and the product assessments learning media experts resulting 98% and all fulfill excellent category, so it can be said valid. Then, test results on the validity of empirical in the form of web based teaching materials obtained from the assessment of the teacher's responses showed that all statement items in the assessment rhitung more than rtabel and mean of observation was 308,8 in the excellent category, so it can be said valid. Furthermore, there are practicality test results obtained from the calculation that the mean of observation from the results of the student response questionnaire assessment obtained 170,95 with the value included as excellent category and can be used practically. Based on these results, it was concluded that web based google sites teaching materials on the theme 9 subtheme utilization of natural resources in Indonesia to the fourth grade students of primary schools is in the excellent category, so that, this web based teaching materials is valid and can be used practically to the integration in learning by teachers and students as well as can be used as a supplement of learning.

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