Peran Dewan Pengurus Cabang Partai Kebangkitan Bangsa Kabupaten Buleleng Dalam Pendidikan Politik Terhadap Masyarakat

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Ahmad Fanani
I Made Yudana
I Wayan Kertih


Political education is means for political parties to develop the quality of their cadres and party members in responding to challenges in the political world in Indonesia. This can be proven by the cases where high-ranking politicians have been involved in corruption cases, violating moral norms, and criminal acts. The formulation of the problem in the research is how the efforts of political parties in implementing political education for the community in Buleleng district in increasing public participation in general election contestation. What factors are the obstacles and supporters in carrying out political education. In this research method using qualitative research. By using interview and documentation methods. To check the validity of this study, the tringulation technique was used. And qualitative descriptive was used as data analysis. The results of the research show that the National Awakening Party of Buleleng Regency in political education is not discussed in depth but political education has been included in the work program that has been made by political party administrators, both in the fields of cadres, public policy, and public development. So that the research can draw the conclusion that the political education carried out by the National Awakening Party is to improve the quality of cadres, increase public intelligence about politics. Maintaining communication between DPAC and DPRanting with these activities Suggestion from the envious research is that there is a need for cadres who are involved in providing political inquiry, the Regional Leadership Council must disregard every activity carried out by DPAC and DPRanting.

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