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A. Mugito
R. Sukmaningrum
I. Kustantinah


Learning style is a very important learning modality. The information related to the characteristics of student learning styles is very important for teachers to improve the quality of their learning. This study is non-experimental that utilized descriptive research method with a quantitative approach using a case study design. This research was conducted in grade 10 PPLG of SMK N 2 Semarang and in the second semester. The learning styles are divided into three types such as visual, auditory, and kinesthetic. The learning styles can be impacted by the result of the reading comprehension test, especially for the material of analytical exposition text. This research found that 42% of the students could be categorized as auditory; 31% were visual learners, and 27% of them were kinesthetic learners. The result of the reading comprehension test demonstrates that students who have a visual learning style then auditory is the second and the last is from the students who have kinesthe highest achievement was shown by those students belong to visual learners, and then respectively followed by auditory, and kinesthetic learners. thetic learning style. There is a tendency that students’ learning styles are related to student achievement in  reading comprehension, especially in reading analytical exposition texts.

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