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W. Triyana
I. Sujarwati


According to the phenomena that occur, students usually have difficulty in writing descriptive text because they do not have any ideas and a vocabulary bank. So, they need a medium that can help them in writing. Those problems can be solved by using an appropriate medium. This research investigates The Effect of Using a Single Picture on Descriptive Text Writing Achievement among the Eight Grade Students at SMPIT Cahaya Robbani. This research used quantitative research because the research contains numerical data in its analysis. It was pre-experimental research where one class experiment received a pre-test and a post-test from the researcher. Pre-test and post-test results were used to collect the data. The average pre-test score was 62,29. The post-test score was 85,14. The 2-tailed significance level is 0,00 lower than the 0,05 significance level. Ha is accepted, while Ho is rejected. It can be concluded that writing descriptive text with a single picture is effective.

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