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Y. Paribonso
B. Lumoindong
E. Lasut


This study was to find out the correlation between students’ addiction to online game and their English proficiency. This study used quantitative designs which were descriptive and correlation. The instrument of this study was adapted from (Yong, 2006) and the midterm grade result from SMA Advent UNKLAB Airmadidi. The respondents were 120 grade XI Science and Social students at SMA Advent UNKLAB Airmadidi enrolled in the first semester of the school year 2022/2023. There were several findings of the study. First, the level of students’ addiction to online game is in low level (Mean Score =2.47). Second, the level on students’ English proficiency is in highly level (69.43). Third, it is found that there is a significant different between male and female (2.06) which categorized as neutral where male have a higher level of addiction to online game than female. Fourth, it is found that there is different between male students and female students on their English proficiency where mean of female students is higher than male students.  Females have a higher level of English proficiency than male. Finally, it is found that there is a significant correlation between students’ addiction to online game and their English proficiency (p = 0.14 ≤ 0.05). The correlation is negative and weak. Therefore, the higher students' addiction is, the lower their English proficiency.

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