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F. Khoirunnisah
I.N.A.J. Putra
I.G.A.L.P. Utami


A textbook is considered an essential component of a learning system because it assists teachers in delivering and developing learning materials and providing a framework for teaching program activities. A learning textbook must adhere to educational objectives, instructional needs, and curriculum. This study aimed to analyze the textbook's content, whether it is qualified for teaching English, and whether it is relevant for teaching English based on the 2013 curriculum and BSNP textbook qualified standard. This study used a descriptive qualitative method. The instrument used in this study was a document analysis checklist that had been modified to reflect the 2013 curriculum and BSNP standards. The textbook assessment stages contain qualified textbook and content feasibility, language, presentation, and graphical components. The researcher found the material offered in this textbook covers all of the subject matter in the scope aspect that supports the attainment of the curriculum standard competencies and essential competencies. Through core competencies (CC) and Basic competencies (BC), this textbook presented students with the most comprehensive learning experience, allowing them to build skills, knowledge, and attitudes related to student-centered learning. The material's applicability, language, presentation, and graphic components are considered in the BSNP standard qualified textbook. Based on the result of data analysis, the researcher concluded that this English grammar book round-up indicates the qualified textbook and relevance to teach English based on the 2013 curriculum and BSNP standard qualified textbook.

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