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R.K. Nasution
N.N. Padmadewi
L.G.R. Budiarta


Literacy plays a vital role in helping children possess firm English knowledge foundations. The sudden learning alteration caused by the Covid-19 virus outbreak has become a challenge in teaching literacy. This case study described the literacy activities varieties implemented during blended learning and their effects on students’ learning achievement at North Bali Bilingual School. This is a mixed-method study in which the primary data were collected through observation and students’ achievement reports. The data were analyzed by classifying the literacy activities into three learning models: synchronous learning, learning package, and asynchronous learning. The data regarding students’ learning achievement were analyzed quantitatively through descriptive and inferential statistics. The study reveals that twelve literacy activities are implemented during blended learning. The teaching-learning process and learning materials are accessible remotely through an online learning platform. The literacy activities also bring significant effects towards students’ learning achievement.

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